While rivers of ink flow on the subject of Coronavirus, many brands see a PR opportunity in the current situation. As a communication agency, we understand that there can be a delicate balance between offering relevant information and sounding opportunistic, especially in the middle of a crisis where many are at risk of losing their jobs.
This is why we have written a list of Covid-19 communication best practices, keeping in mind that many brands and marketing departments are going through this internal process at this very moment.
Stick to your brand
Don’t force it. Common sense really is an asset, especially with unseen situations where you don’t have any previous reference or model to guide you through.
If your tone of voice is very lighthearted, you might need to adjust it, just pay attention to what’s going on. If your CEO has never spoken to your audience before, think twice about whether to do that now. Will it resonate with your audience?
Be sensitive
Companies ought to behave properly and staff should have access to important information. Don’t forget that many are struggling and losing their jobs. Consider where your brand fits in the great scheme of things and make sure that you are transparent and honest with both your consumers and employees. Success stories about hitting targets might not sit well with the current situation, but sharing positive, inspiring and uplifting content can be a good way to stay relevant.
Keep a close eye on your target publications
Many publications have had to adapt and adjust to this new situation in order to fulfil their audiences new need for information and entertainment. New content strategies may open doors to new PR angles, including non-corona related stories. There’s certainly a need for human, positive stories that are not directly connected with the virus.
Create personalised messages
Amid the increasing concerns around fake news, many journalists are looking for experts and information backed up with research. Tailor your pitch to that publication you want to be featured in – the more personalised your approach is, the better.
Alternative PR angles
The media is still thirsty for content, even more so when fewer things are actually happening in the public arena. Getting experts as brand ambassadors or key members of your company to take part as a guest, live streaming for one of your key target publications could be a positive way to contribute via your external communications.
There’s no problem in being quiet
While there are services that are still on demand, such as food deliveries, e-learning or virtual workouts, it might also be that what you are offering doesn’t work with the current situation. Don’t be afraid of saying less.
If you need help with Covid-19 communication or your PR and key messaging during these times of uncertainty, we would love to help. Drop us a message via the ‘Interested in working with us?’ form at the bottom of the page.
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