This week’s Top 5 Tech feature looks at ways to improve your daily lifestyle and kick bad habits – from eco-apps to smart-devices. Read on to discover Grammatik’s favourite tech innovations of the week.
Short for “Connecting Good,” CoGo is an app for the ethical consumer. Instantly find businesses that align with your moral beliefs, whether that’s a vegan eatery, organic clothing shop or sustainable grocery.

CoGo can link to your debit card details for easy, anonymous payments aligned with your areas of concern. The app will track business details and be sure to inform you when you’ve made a ‘good’ purchase.
We’re keeping an eye on this brand new headset from a VR giant. Oculus Quest negates the need for external mobile or PC connectivity, instead serving as a standalone gaming platform. With a mobile gaming chip and built-in trackers, the system’s only peripherals are Oculus touch controllers.

Oculus Quest’s built-in trackers can capture movement without any external cameras, providing the most immersive experience possible for home gamers. Paired with hugely popular titles like Creed: Rise to Glory and Star Wars: Vader Immortal, Oculus Quest might just make VR gaming more streamlined and accessible than ever before.
Take a deep breath in… and out. If you’re reading this in central London then the quality of air you’ve just inhaled leaves a lot to be desired, or removed. Technical innovation is the key to cleaner air in our bustling city hubs, and this new idea—conceived in partnership between KineticX & Plutvo—could be a front runner.

Still in the late stages of development, the “Plutvo Unit” street furniture uses an enclosed mist of water droplets that removes pollutants from the air. By gathering information in real-time, the Plutvo Unit can even respond to changes in air quality. Best of all, each Plutvo Unit is cleverly funded by advertisement spend.
Smart watches have become synonymous with smart-phone use, taking precedence in many public spaces as a key periphery for people’s music and communications. But what if your watch no longer needed to be a refined interface for a pocketed phone?

Nubia wants you to switch entirely to their new smart watch, the Nubia Alpha, which utilises a flexible screen to wrap around your wrist. Much like other smart-watches, this device is capable of sending and receiving messages, making calls and playing music. However, with the Nubia Alpha, you can also take pictures.
In a similar fashion to last week’s Top 5 Tech, our final entry is a device designed to improve your sleep. The Somnox sleep robot is something of a digitally active pillow that encourages longer, more relaxed rest.

Somnox synchronises your breathing patterns… by breathing itself. When a user matches the robot’s slow, steady rhythm, their stress levels will be significantly reduced.
That’s a wrap. See you next week on Top 5 tech.
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