The Project
Released in 2018, Blade Runner 2049 is the epic continuation of Ridley Scott’s dystopian vision of the future, and a film of impressive scale. Director Denis Villeneuve lavished as much attention on futuristic LA cityscapes and imposing sci-fi ziggurats as the smaller details of his winter-draped world, such as the user interfaces of its technology.
London-based creative studio Territory was responsible for the creation of these visuals, and they used Cospective’s cineSync software to connect and work with production teams around the world, ensuring Villeneuve’s creative vision remained intact.
We were tasked with creating a compelling talking-heads style video that would showcase how the software helped bring this vision to life for everyone involved.
The approach
Our video team went into Territory’s London-based HQ to film interviews with the team that led the project. We spoke to David Sheldon-Hicks, Founder and Executive Creative Director and Andrew Popplestone, Creative Director.
The aim was to create a video that would showcase the incredible creative talent and thought-process behind the film’s visual aesthetic. Spending the day at Territory’s studio we set up the shots and filmed a range of interviews and b-roll around the studio.
The result is a slick piece of content that dives into Territory’s stunning work on building out Ridley Scott’s dystopia, while also exploring how cineSync’s power as a remote collaboration tool kept creative briefs intact.
What We Did
End-to-end production
Scripting & planning
Grade & finishing
Music and sound
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